The Cawfee Shack in

Littlerock, WA

About Us

Hillbilly Beans, The Cawfee Shack, in Littlerock, WA is locally owned and operated since 2007. We absolutely love this Littlerock and know ya'll do too! We are best known for our friendly baristas and out of this world blended drink options! We are so excited to offer a full line of Littlerock, WA merch so we can all represent this great community!

Delivery & Returns

Pickup and delivery available, shipping fees will apply. Each order is made to order, we have a turnaround time of 21 business days from the date you place your order. Returns and exchanges available for unused items only. All return/exchange transactions need to take place at Hillbilly Beans, they will not be offered for shipped orders. All return/exchange subject to the same 21 business day turnaround time.

Explore our MERCH!

Contact Us

Our address
6533 128th Ave SW Olympia, WA 98512
Open hours
Mon-Fri 5:30-5 Sat 6:30-5 Sun 7-5